Originally founded in June of 1993, Fort Worth Metro is a non-profit 501 (c )(3) inner city outreach program that works with children and families in Fort Worth. We are committed to serving the children and families of the most poverty-stricken and crime-ridden areas of the city.
With the use of a unique 24 foot sound and stage trailer, Metro travels throughout all areas of the city bringing hope and resources to families in need.
Whether it’s toys, clothing, food, or simply joy in the midst of tough circumstances, we want to provide a way for families in the inner city to experience God’s hope and peace.
Our vision is to see the generational cycles in the inner city of Fort Worth be broken in children and their families by providing them with hope and resources.
Consistency – We are a solid resource in their lives and will continue to be faithful as long as there is a need.
Tangibility – We provide real tangible resources to meet their physical, spiritual and emotional needs.
Visibility – Families know that they truly are SEEN and NOT FORGOTTEN.
Mobility – Meet the people right where they are!